Saturday 8 September 2018

U&I Assembly

U&I Assembly is a platform proudly setup by ZAMOREX to showcase the ZAMOREX Teachings. The organizational functions is design in order of ZAMOREX Foundation.

ZAMOREX will dedicate itself to the engulfment of all his primary responsibilities  covering the assembly. U&I Assembly is a full-packaged program for members of the society to learn and understand the basic use of "human faculties". 

ZAMOREX has a basic assignment of teaching its works through several medium, placing the work through various media and setting a complete framework structure for all programme presentation.  

At U&I assembly we shall take members to different program  of activities that will completely enhance their living. We also promote better living (ZAMOREX GOOD LIFE FOUNDATION). Our hospitalities are powerful and members can always attest to that treatment. 

The U&I programs are cosmic in nature and its lessons are derived from the cosmic experience setup for good living people. We shall ensure the information gets to all members of different organizations by placing them on our media platform.

You that is hearing of U&I assembly for the first time, feel free, relax, your joy has come, rejoice and remain exceedingly glade, people will testify about your membership, your life will never remain the same, the joy of the Lord shall be your strength.

Our families are the people WE care about. The family project and activities going on allover the world, running through fellowship programs are completely designed by ZAMOREX, which shows that, best practice are carried out in all ZAMOREX projects.

WE are committed to keeping and maintaining a family with good intelligent quotient, whereby the programs are correctly organize and more enjoyable by family members. At the end of all program members shall take home one content line assignment that will serve as application or practice of which report will be submitted at all lesson center. 

Database will be setup for all project programs in monthly bases. This is done in order to pass good result on how ZAMOREX combine with U&I assembly is driving through the cosmic platform.   

U&I assembly is a stand alone project whose purpose is to design and organize its programs in accordance with the cosmic standard. WE shall live to see the extend to which the project will drive us to because WE know at all times the assembly remains the best in the Universe.


ZAMOREX will showcase this platform and ensure the assembly and its members live a live that is good at all time.